Monday, July 25, 2011

Chaos Warrior update

Ok, so after talking miniatures all day to my buddy at work on Instant Messenger I was pumped to come straight home and work on my project. Managed to finish up the base and just stained it..knew I should have stained the base first..but oh well. Here is a pic of Oooey goodness for your viewing pleasure into CHAOS!! Mwahahahaha!! 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Embrace the CHAOS!

Here's a taste of what's to come. While waiting for my base for my Chaos Knight to dry and come up with more ideas of stuff to put on it. I decided to finally do something with my Chaos miniature from Mad Puppets. I love the pose of the miniature and really looking forward to this build. The base will resemble a winter environment. So snow will be flung all over the base. I'm going to attempt to the pour water effects in the lower section of the base and try to make it look like it's iced over. Still looking into how to do that. Enough about that's what I threw together today before heading over to my parents house earlier.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Dwarf Miner

It's late, I'm tired, here's da pics..enjoy! more to come....

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Female dwarf finished

Quick update on my WIPs. Fnished the female warrior today. Might go back and do a few touchups but I have to complete the dwarf miner by tomorrow since the raffle begins at 6:30. I'll try to get better pics before I head out tomorrow. Only have a camera phone so about the best I can do for now.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Quick Update

So I wasn't able to get much done last night since went to help take care of my mom and didn't get home until late. Was able however to work on them this morning a bit before I head back over. Nothing special..just added some rocks and dirt to the miner base. Also cut up a few sprews and inserted randomly to represent crystals within the rock. 

For the female dwarf I filled in the bottom of  base more and added some dirt and a few rocks up top. I'm planning on adding one or two turfs from Army Painter to give the base some more definition afterwards..Still feels like its missing something though. It looks too flat up top for me. Might add a few twigs or skull..*shrugs*. 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Chaos Knight on hold..doing miniatures for my mom

Yup, description says it all. I just started on two projects for my mom. But it's not for her personally. These two miniatures will be raffled off at a benefit concert for my mom. Without getting into much detail as I don't care to put too much of my personal life on mom has been battling cancer. She has stage four lung cancer and it's been very rough on her and my family mentally, physically, and financially. So this concert will be for my mom and to help in any way to make it easier for to deal with the expenses. So here's what I just started on today. I've thrown these together in a matter of hours since I'm on a tight deadline. Both will consist of dwarfs. One female warrior and a male miner. The female is from Scribor miniatures and the miner is a white metal from games workshop. Both are pretty simple miniatures and very little clean up was required. The base for the female was created using a ball of aluminum foil and some earth (dirt from outside) as well some cork board. I gathered this type of idea from Jarhead's article (thanks man) from massivevoodoo. They're a great bunch of guys and if you haven't looked at their site it's a must. The second is just something I came up with on my own. I used a plaster and poured it into a cutout section of foam to create the textured effect. So far it's coming along fairly well. Just hope I can bring in some cash for to help my folks with these two pieces. Let me know whatcha you think. Thanks again for looking.