Thursday, September 4, 2014

5th dimension contest entry finished

Whew okay this was probably the fastest I've ever assembled, customized, and painted a miniature. It was a big challenge for me considering I work full-time and have kids. Many nights were spent running back and forth from the office to the nursery and back haha. Anyways I'm rather pleased with my entry Considering the short time I had on it. If only I find out a month earlier haha. I'm looking forward to seeing the other entries. Until then you'll just have to wait to see mine. Ciao :-)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

quick update

5th dimension contest wip pt3

Hmm well its getting down to the wire for me if I'm going to finish this guy. I'm not sure if I like how the armor is turning out. I'm not finished with it yet. Just for some reason it send off in comparison to his skin.Hopefully I can balance it out tonight.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

5th dimension competition wip pt2

Managed to get a lot accomplished this weekend. Unfortunately I dont have pics of the ork due to running out of memory on phone. Hopefully by the end of the day I will have pics. Here is what the base looks like so far.