Saturday, August 30, 2014

5th dimension wip

Ok so I discovered another blog titled 5th dimension. As it would be my luck I discovered that they are having a painting competition. I was excited to see this..then I see the ending date. Its the 5th...eek! It's been crunch time for me. Within two days I've managed to get a lot done.still more to do but it's been a fun build. Something they want you to do is try something out of your comfort zone. Well for me it would be kit bashing, making bases and sculpting. I suck at all three in my opinion. For my model I took a gw nurgle lord and chopped him a bit. There are so many different pieces here from kits I lost count. Even added some metal rods to extend the gun too. Tomorrow I'll sand and smooth out the greenstuff.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Hassassin commission complete

Here is the latest commission ive completed. It was a table top quality paintjob.