Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Golden Demon entry coming soon

Well its been crunch time for me these past few days. I've basically started on this project less than a week ago. There was a planned project and I worked it for months but I had to scrap it due to I didn't like how the paint job was turning out. I know the project I'm working on now will not win me a golden demon but I'm hoping to atleast receive a finalist pin. I'll post a pic of the peoject on Friday.  Heres a hint though.  Its nurgle related.  Mwahaha!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Hello and thanks for looking again. Here is a Troll I decided to paint for table top standard. The miniature is from Red Box Games. I'm not certain whether they offer this fella anymore but Tre's sculpts are amazing. If you get a chance check his site out. I spent around six hours on the troll and he was a real pleasure to slap some paint on. I wanted to add a bit of character to him. So figured..hmm blood always add to a mini. I really like how it turned out. For the dripping blood all I did was attach some fishing line with superglue to the club and then added a drop of superglue at the bottom of the line to give the droplet look. Blood gore (GW), blood red (GW), and black (Vallejo) were used in mixing with realistic water affects for the blood. For his mouth I glued some more fishing line and used realistic water again. For a table top troll I'm rather pleased on the outcome. Look for him on Ebay soon.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Hassassin Lasiq miniature

So, managed to paint this little fella in less than 8 hrs. For painting a standard a bit above table top I think he turned out fairly well. This is the second miniature I've painted from The Infinity Game series and I have to say they're very fun to paint. A bit aggravating on assembly due to being metal and their stances aren't always the easiest to work with. I still plan on painting plenty more of these great miniatures though. This fella is listed on ebay (link at bottom). So, hopefully soon he will have a new home. Thanks for looking.